Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that disturbs a woman’s ovaries’ normal function. It usually affects teen girls and young women. There is no specific medicine to treat it. However, many natural remedies for PCOS are available to lessen its symptoms. But before jumping on to solutions, let’s see what Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is..
It develops among women of reproductive age. There are three main features of PCOS.
- A high male hormone, “androgen”, is produced in the body, which may cause excess hair growth on the face and body.
- Irregular periods – mean ovaries do not produce eggs.
- Polycystic ovaries – ovaries become enlarged due to many harmless fluid-filled follicles(sacs). These follicles are underdeveloped sacs that do not produce eggs.
You may have PCOS if you have at least 2 of these features.
Luckily, various natural treatments for PCOS are available to manage the symptoms.
Before discussing its treatments, we will quickly review its causes.
Although scientists could not find the exact cause of PCOS, they can figure out a few reasons. One of the reasons is hereditary factors, and the second is hormone regulation, like testosterone and insulin.
Here are a few common symptoms of PCOS that can differ from one woman to another:
- mood swings
- hair growth on different parts of the body
- thinning of hair
- sleep disturbances
- infertility
- irregular periods
- weight gain
- acne
- ovarian cyst
Some medications can control the symptoms, but there is no complete cure. In addition to medicines, many natural remedies for PCOS can manage its symptoms. Women can control their symptoms and treat the syndrome with few lifestyle changes.
Natural Remedies For PCOS( Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Here are a few natural treatments.
- Regular Exercise
- Diet changes
- Get sufficient sleep
- Reduce stress
- Vitamins & minerals
- probiotics
- Herbal supplements
Let’s review them in detail:
1- Regular Exercise
Regular exercise can control hormonal imbalance in addition to diet changes. It would help maintain a healthy weight if you take time for training and follow a daily routine. You can opt for many activities, like long-distance walking, swimming, pilates, yoga, or running.
2- Diet Changes
Women with PCOS have higher insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone that helps in regulating blood sugar levels, and this is called insulin resistance. Still, women can reverse their PCOS by bringing mild changes in their diet.
If you avoid some choices and opt for healthy foods, it can make a huge difference. Natural foods are far more nutritious than processed ones and can relieve PCOS symptoms.
Here are a few recommendations:
a. Eliminate Processed Carbohydrates
Among the most effective natural remedies for PCOS, reducing the consumption of processed or refined carbohydrates stands out. Adopting this dietary change can help manage your condition by keeping insulin levels low and maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Embracing such natural solutions is a positive step towards holistic PCOS management and overall well-being
Here are a few examples.
- juices
- pasta
- soda drinks
- white bread
- chips
- cookies
Complex or whole carbs do not contain artificial sugars or preservatives. A fair amount of fibre is present, which helps maintain hormonal imbalance. For instance, whole carbohydrates include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, brown rice, legumes, and almonds.
b. Protein Intake
Protein affects your insulin levels like carbohydrates. In this case, you must think about including protein-rich food in your diet. The best protein sources are nuts, legumes, lentils, and whole grains.
c. Reduce Caffeine Intake
Caffeine may disturb the hormonal functions in the body. Instead, try to consume herbal tea to boost your energy levels.
d. Add Fiber To Your Diet
To fight PCOS, you must take care of your gut health. It is one of the crucial natural remedies for PCOS. Therefore, try adding fibre-rich foods to your diet. It will help in digestion and To fight PCOS, you must take care of your gut health. Therefore, try adding fibre-rich foods to your diet. It will help in digestion and maintaining a healthy weight. Lentils, spinach, pears, apples, and oranges are the few best examples of fibre-rich foods.
e. Anti-Inflammatory Foods
If we define PCOS, it is like chronic inflammation. Hence, if you add anti-inflammatory foods to your meals, you can lighten your symptoms. All kinds of leafy vegetables and fatty fish like tuna and tomatoes can help fight inflammation.
f. Reduce Sugar Intake
Sugar is the primary cause of increased PCOS symptoms. Therefore, try to eliminate foods containing sugar. Sugar increases insulin resistance, body weight, and liver diseases. One of the critical home remedies for PCOS is available and you can try it out.
3- Get Sufficient Sleep
Your sleep pattern affects your hormonal balance. It is one of the most critical factors in controlling polycystic ovary disorder. Therefore, you must sleep sufficiently and follow a strict bedtime routine to lessen the symptoms. It is one of the most convenient and economical natural remedies for PCOS.
Below are a few tips to improve your sleep habits:
- It would help if you had dinner at least two hours before sleep.
- Make sure you get at least ten hours of sleep a night.
- You must not eat fried food before going to bed.
4- Reduce Stress
Stress significantly influences cortisol production. There are many natural ways to reduce stress levels, such as exercising and minimizing caffeine usage.
However, it would be best if you took some time to relax.
5- Vitamins and Minerals
Some vitamins and minerals are excellent for reversing polycystic Ovary Syndrome. However, you must monitor the intake of vitamins and consult your doctor before taking them.
Here is a list of some minerals & vitamins:
- magnesium
- zinc
- iron
- vitamin D & calcium
- vitamin B
- omega-3 fish oil
6- Probiotics
In women with PCOS, probiotics support regulating androgen and estrogen production. Also, probiotics are helpful in the digestion process.
Therefore, adding probiotic supplements to your diet would be a great idea.
7- Herbal Supplements
Another example of natural remedies for PCOS is herbal supplements. There are various herbal products you can use to lessen the PCOS effects. Below are a few herbs that can help in regulating hormonal imbalance.
a. Adaptogen Herbs
As a result of insulin regulation, the body produces the male sex hormone androgen in large amounts. This hormone causes infertility and excess hair growth in the body.
Adaptogen herb helps in reducing the androgen levels in the body. It also relieves PCOS symptoms and can be one of the effective natural remedies for PCOS.
b. Vitus Agnus-Castus
VitVitus agnus-castus is beneficial in regulating irregular ovulation and periods associated with PCOS.
c. Cimicifuga racemosa
Another herb, Cimicifuga racemosa, is common in controlling hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS.
d. Maca Root
Maca root belongs to the mustard plant family and is a nutritional herb.
Also, the Maca plant root can be very helpful in boosting infertility and libido.
e. Cinnamon
The cinnamon herb is loaded with antioxidants and is very beneficial in treating PCOS.
Final Words
Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome must get in touch with their doctor because it is a complex hormonal disorder.
While there is still no proven treatment, we can always choose different options and natural remedies for PCOS.
What are the symptoms of PCOS?
Symptoms can vary from woman to woman, but common symptoms include irregular or absent periods, excess hair growth (hirsutism), acne, weight gain, and difficulty getting pregnant.
What causes PCOS?
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but it is thought to be related to hormonal imbalances.
Is there a cure for PCOS?
There is no cure for PCOS, but there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms. These treatments may include lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, as well as medication.
Can I get pregnant if I have PCOS?
Yes, it is possible to get pregnant if you have PCOS. However, PCOS can make it more difficult to get pregnant. If you are trying to get pregnant and have PCOS, talk to your doctor about your options.
How can I manage PCOS?
There are several things you can do to manage PCOS, including making healthy lifestyle changes, taking medication as prescribed by your doctor, and getting regular checkups.