India Welcomes Iris: The Country’s First AI Teacher

By on March 8th, 2024 in News, Technology & Gadgets

First AI Teacher
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Get ready for a classroom revolution! In a groundbreaking move, a school in Kerala, India has unveiled its very first AI teacher, named Iris. This isn’t your average teacher, though. Iris is a high-tech marvel powered by an Intel processor, and she’s here to change the way we learn.

The Brains Behind the Innovation – India’s First AI Teacher

Developed by Makerlabs Edutech Private Limited, Iris is breaking new ground in education. This brainy teacher can speak in three different languages, making her a valuable asset for multilingual classrooms. But Iris isn’t just about languages – she’s also packed with knowledge and ready to tackle even the trickiest questions students throw her way.

Iris In Action

Imagine a classroom where a friendly robot patiently explains complex topics. That’s the future Iris promises. Makerlabs has even shared a glimpse of this future on their Instagram, showcasing Iris interacting with students. It feels like something straight out of a science fiction movie, but it’s happening right now in India! Buckle up, because the way we learn is about to get a whole lot more exciting.

India's First AI Teacher
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A Leap Into the Future

Imagine a classroom where a friendly robot patiently explains complex topics. That’s the future Iris promises. Makerlabs has even shared a glimpse of this future on their Instagram, showcasing Iris interacting with students. It feels like something straight out of a science fiction movie, but it’s happening right now in India! Buckle up, because the way we learn is about to get a whole lot more exciting.

A Boon for All Learners: Personalized Education with Iris

Imagine a shy student who hesitates to ask questions in front of the class. Iris could be their perfect partner. With her artificial intelligence, Iris can tailor her explanations to each student’s needs. She can adjust the difficulty level, offer extra clarification, or even provide additional practice problems. This personalized approach to learning could be a game-changer, ensuring every student grasps the concepts and reaches their full potential.

Teammate, Not Replacement: How Iris Supports Human Teachers

Of course, Iris isn’t meant to replace human teachers entirely. Instead, she’s envisioned as a valuable tool to support educators. Teachers can leverage Iris’s vast knowledge base to create more engaging lessons and free up their time to focus on individual student guidance and fostering social-emotional development. With Iris handling the basics, teachers can become facilitators, creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment for all.

AI in Your Pocket: How Artificial Intelligence is Already Shaping Your Everyday Life

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