Bushra Ansari Shares Few Advices With Her Fans

By on March 11th, 2024 in Entertainment, Entertainment News

Bushra Ansari
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Ever Feel Ignored by Loved Ones? Bushra Ansari Shares Her Secret!

Veteran Pakistani actress Bushra Ansari is known for her comedic timing, brilliant writing, and captivating performances. She is known for her iconic roles in dramas like “Angan Terha” and “Zebaish, “But did you know she’s also a wise woman with a heart of gold?

Recently, on her YouTube channel, Bushra shared some valuable advice on handling loved ones playing phone tag.

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Bushra Ansari
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Taking Charge of Communication

Ansari acknowledges that sometimes, ignoring a call happens to everyone. But when it becomes a habit with loved ones, it can be a sign they’re not prioritizing communication. Her solution? A friendly but firm approach.

The “Three Strikes” Rule

Ansari revealed she “deletes the numbers” of friends who repeatedly miss her calls. This might sound harsh, but there’s a method to her madness. She informs them about the deletion and its reason – feeling unimportant when calls are ignored. Bushra Ansari is clear that occasional missed calls are okay. Everyone gets busy. However, a consistent pattern of being unreachable suggests a lack of interest in connecting.

This strategy isn’t about burning bridges. Ansari says she doesn’t get angry and even gives young people “a little margin” for their hectic lives. She keeps the door open for reconnection, believing that if someone truly cares, they’ll eventually reach out. By sharing this advice, Ansari encourages her fans to value their time and prioritize healthy communication in their relationships. It’s a reminder that while life can get crazy, staying connected with loved ones is important.

Bushra Ansari Biography: A Multifaceted Gem Of Pakistani Entertainment

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